To this end, a typical location has been adopted.
A) the reception center. The reception center has a wide entrance and output, as well as free access from the waiting room and access to the maintenance station.
B) Auto repair workshop. The workshop is separated from the reception point so that customers could not go to the workshop. It has wide access to the site of waiting points, since from this site the next car enters the repair and then the renovated is submitted by the time the owner arrives.
Finally, the workshop should be located near the warehouse of the spare parts necessary for car repair.
C) a warehouse of spare parts. The warehouse of spare parts is located close to the workshop for convenience to supply spare parts.
The warehouse has access (from the outside) and a car parking for people arriving for the purchase of spare parts. In addition, there is wide access for trucks supplying vehicles and for cars that send spare parts to various customers.
D) maintenance station. The station is located in the premises of the reception center, since part of the incoming cars is sent to this station. She also has free exit outward for a faster release of the room from cars after their maintenance. Reliable equipment needs any production. Today you can buy high -quality Chinese road vibration stations at competitive prices.
E) control of the item.
To coordinate the work of all elements of the supporting station, there is a control point that includes: the bookkeeping of the workshop, the accounting department of the spare parts warehouse and the cash desk for receiving payments. The bookkeeping of the workshop is located near the workshop, from where she receives all the documents necessary for the issuance of accounts.