Who has good memory here? Remember allied times? And the TV “Electron”? Color! Big! Heavy! On 6 channels-canes! They remembered? Nudyk! And, between the trembling, they did in Lviv – for the whole “from the taiga to the British seas”!
And what do you think? Smoking is alive! And even something is released there. And even if he would twist the same TVs from the Kitacomplex, juicers, again. Meat grinder with an electric motor.
But today we are not talking about it. Today we are about the very unexpected products of the plant, which is now a concern, which has already many factories. And now one of the factories rolled out the “Communal Dream”-a small carrier car, on which you can hang everything that the communal soul pleases. From a vacuum cleaner to a snow removal bucket. In general, about 50 units of various equipment can be attached to the base chassis. At the same time, “Electronics” proudly say that their novelty “has no analogues”. And, a little quieter, add “in the CIS”. Like, only Germany and the Czech Republic are able to release such a technique. Well, also “electronics”. True, rummaging in memory, we can recall that on our roads during the times of large, heavy and 6-button TVs “Electron”, small greenish funny trucks, nicknamed “cartoons”, went, because “multicard”. Just our case. Well, not even 20 years have passed, as we needed them.
In general, the machine is good for everyone. And all -wheel drive, and multifunctional, and from the “best components of foreign and domestic production” … and even promise to transfer it to an electrician. But about the price of the “Electronics” citizens are somehow modestly silent. It could not be that our machine “without analogues” has no analogues and the high cost.