And also comprehended about the reviews of the car on the planet. We continue to explore this topic, because such a practice gradually reaches us. Yes, the problems are voiced simple, such as a cable rubs the hose. But the fact itself speaks for itself: Russian companies begin to think about what their reputation is, what consumers think of them. This is important, it’s good, it must be encouraged.
In the posts of car reviews, I always mention the United States. There is a national traffic safety administration on the NHTSA roads, it is quite rigidly raising the car concerns, and without looking at ranks and financial capabilities. The same Toyota spends billions of dollars on eliminating typical malfunctions identified in his cars. As it turned out, not everyone in the USA is in a hurry to repair their own faulty cars for free.
At the very end of autumn, it became known that NHTSA was unhappy with a Japanese autolider named Honda. The administration had serious claims to the Japanese: they allegedly hid the fact of a large number of accidents with their cars that occurred due to mass defects. The period during which such problems occurred is more than 10 years. In general, the accusation is serious and threatens the reputation of the company.
And then it is generally funny. In Honda, the very fact of such an accident due to the fault of the company does not deny the very fact. They say that there was a computer failure and the data was lost. T. e. There is a company’s fault, but not in concealing facts of accidents.
In general, even the most eminent firms of the planets of cars have their own skeletons in a dark closet. And no one can force them to show their mass problems to the general public. Even the notorious NHTSA, which has the opportunity to fine auto giants for my amazing imagination of the amount of billions of US dollars.
It is worth mentioning that recently the administration has not accused of Korean Hundai of car recall. Those, instead of changing the brake hoses, recommended that representatives change the brake fluid. And there, like, life will show. So even the famous and grandiose firms, even in the USA cunning and hacks. What to say about us?! Even if Honda ..