When you do the same for a long time, then interesting results appear. Outbreaks, it is almost always for everyone. Creative dead ends appear, from which for months there is no way out. Professionalism comes, and it is necessarily based on the first and second points – only those who do a lot and thoughtfully do the same. In general, there are advantages and disadvantages, which is called life.
I have been writing about AvtoVAZ for many years. The first mention of this TM was March 5, 2010, t. e. almost five years ago. Since then, a lot has changed, have undergone changes and my views on this brainchild of the Soviet auto industry. Of the main topics it was: I want to see the prosperity of the national automaker, they can never get out of this pit and can reorganize. As you know, the third stage lasts today. I am sure that the active leader plus Renault help with Nissan will help the Russian leader to others. So universe so accurately. Today about the unusual indicator of AvtoVAZ.
So about leadership: Lada and Infinity are the most stolen automaries in Russia in 2014. And if the Russian brand is an absolute champion with an indicator of 13,294 cars, then infinity can “boast” relative: they have 84 hijackers for 10,000 pieces. It’s funny that there is no autovaz in the second list. T. e. our giant takes mainly massiveness, which is predictable.
Only premium brands in a relative indicator. T. e. thieves are smart and enterprising, for them this is a job, not spontaneous solutions. Apparently, those 14 thousand are in small thieves and drug addicts, while serious thieves are engaged in lands and jaguars. Logical and understandable, although a little sad for the owners of these Superwo.
It is interesting that the hijackers do not show attention to Chinese cars. No, apparently, demand. So so far it is convenient to take a Chinese in terms of car safety. Those who go a lot are the most intelligent option. Two years or their 80-100 thousand, current Chinese will easily pull, and the probability of theft below. So take a note.
It should be noted that all premium brands are stinging, except Volvo. I did not understand what the trick is, but the Swedish cars from the Chinese owner are rarely stolen. Either there are powerful security, or it is more difficult to resell them, but nevertheless, the statistics of 2014 shows just such a result. So if you want calm, take Volvo.