Complication with transportation in quarries with wet and other weak soils in autumn and spring time; with ice – the need for these cases of special portable roads in the slaves and dumps and maintaining them in serviceability.
Careers road roads are divided into main rollbacks, loading roads in the slabs and unloading roads in dumps. By the life of the road, they are divided into constant and temporary.
The permanent roads include the main rollbacks laid along the rollbacks and capital trenches, the service life of which corresponds to the life of the career as a whole or its individual parts. Only special equipment, excavators are used in trenches.
Temporary roads include roads serving the grows and dumps. These roads in accordance with the movement of the front of the development of ledges in the slaves, as well as as dumps form, the production technologies are moved respectively.
The schemes of the main rollbacks in the career are designed in the form of straight, loop and spiral races. The road scheme is established depending on the accepted method of developing a quarry and the types of loading and vehicles used, terrain, depth and configuration of the mineral resources deposit. Direct arrival is used for shallowing deposits and is a direct inclined trench that connects the daily surface of the quarry with ledges.
With high performance, the quarry is designed instead of one retreating road: one for a cargo direction with gentle lifts, and the second – for a empty direction with steep slopes. The highways of both roads can be laid both on one side of the quarry and two opposite.