Recently, many of our compatriots willingly invest their capital in real estate abroad. One of these countries is Germany, real estate in this country serves as a guarantor of a calm future. It is not only prestigious, but also profitable to have German real estate, because the purchased house or apartment can be leased, and at the same time receive a considerable monthly income.
Advantages of acquiring real estate in Germany
Due to the fact that the cost of residential buildings and apartments in this country has been constantly growing for many years, the acquisition of real estate by our citizens in Germany is a profitable and reliable investment of capital.
Now in Germany, investments in real estate with the help of closed funds have gained very much popularity. These funds accumulate the money of private investors and invest them in commercial or residential real estate.
The advantages of such investment actions in real estate in Germany are:
Reliable and stable capital income up to 10% per year;
saving the owner of the owner in the management of acquired real estate in Germany;
minimum sum of investments from 5 thousand euros;
competent real estate management is carried out by professionals who have appropriate qualifications.
It should be noted that investments in such funds are designed for a rather long time (on average from 8 to 15 years) and, like any real estate, have low liquidity. This feature must be taken into account when choosing money investment.
The country’s legislation allows foreign citizens to officially acquire real estate “on equal terms” in Germany with German subjects. And the Russians who have housing in Germany have the rights to a tourist visa up to 90 days a year or a business visa-up to 6 months. per year.
Features of the value of real estate in Germany
The cost of houses and apartments in Germany depends on many factors. For example, in big cities in Germany, real estate costs more than in small. And the closer the house is to the big city, the more its cost increases. An apartment in a city where there is a higher educational institution is also more expensive in connection with the demand of students in lease. If the house is new (built no more than 10 years ago), then its cost is more expensive than the oldest. But the appearance of the house also plays an important role.
So, why is the investment in real estate in Germany is more profitable than in other countries?
Real estate prices are constantly rising, so renting housing will bring profit up to 6% per year.
In Germany, unlike our country, for many years, economic and political stability has been observed.
German houses and apartments are of good quality and durability.