I myself, a driver with experience, sometimes sit on a scooter by kind of work. So, we can say that I visited both sides of the barricades. One of the undeniable advantages of a scooter on city roads is that his driver does not suffer from traffic jams on crowded highways. The scooter can easily go around the cluster of cars, what to hide, sometimes you can even famously fly along the pedestrian sidewalk, and the traffic police prefers not to contact without a special reason. This is of course convenient. And at the same time, as a motorist with experience, I react very nervously to young people who are worn along the roads on “stools”.First, the scooter takes a whole strip. In fact, this is certainly not so, but it is often very problematic to go around it. Especially in conditions of crowding and limited maneuvers. Secondly, often youth sits at the wheel of a scooter who has no idea about the rules of the road. One can only hope that the introduction of a category for driving a scooter will somehow change the situation. Otherwise, young guys, overwhelmed by the desire to polyghat and show off in front of the girls – these are provocateurs of accidents and clashes. Good if without sacrifice. But I must note that there are more places on the road. Often one or two people travel in the car, on a scooter they take 2-3 times less space. At least visually, and the review is at least improved. Unless of course these scooters do not begin to flicker with colored spots on the road. Something like this I reason sitting while driving a car. At one time, I found like -minded people, among motorists who also reasoned on shinotop. ru. I understand that this is an old bore. Completely different sensations when you yourself go on a scooter or moped. As if you are young, your hands stretch yourself to press the handle and briskly rush past the scurrying machines. Still, the scooter is young.