On the pages of this blog about a car from China, we have repeatedly talked about the cars of the Chinese company Lifan. We had reviews Lifan 320, Lifan 520 and Lifan 620. The latter is already successfully sold in the Russian Federation as Solano.
I saw the 520th with my own eyes and the impressions are positive: in the first moments I did not even think that it was a Chinese car. Pleasant lines, strict design, good assembly – during a cursory examination, I did not find any significant flaws. In general, a completely acceptable version of the budget car. In Ukraine, Lifan plans to release the 320th model, which is characterized by small sizes and elegance of mini kuper.
Until recently, only three cars from Lifan were known to me, which I brought in the first paragraph. And then there was a message about plans to release the new Lifan 720 model. This will be a large sedan that is clearly aimed at the budget segment of the market of such cars.
And again the engine of 106 horsepower. My opinion, for such an auto long more than four meters this is clearly not enough for today. By the standards of this day, even Koreans in their budget cars put 120-horsepower engines on hatchbacks. And here is such a big sedan!
Again, saving on everything is implied: from the initial cost of the car itself to the final consumption of fuel. And this approach justifies itself: people after the crisis have become much more economical and use things that help to do business and save everything possible.
Interestingly, Lifan 720 is not a virtual machine, in China its appearance is scheduled for the end of this year. Estimated price from twelve thousand American dollars. T. e. Just imagine: the D-class sedan for such a price! I am sure that there will be just a lot of people who want.
What is very interested in is the crash test of the presented car. Will Lifan specialists be able to achieve acceptable indicators in their new brainchild? Something on the basis of the price there were doubts. As Hyunde made a new sonata in a modern style, and received a price of thirty thousand. And how can you sell a fully protected car for 12? If this is true, it will be sad ..