The experts of the research company Jato Dynamics summed up the results of sales of vehicles in Europe in early July and concluded, in fact, the situation in the automobile market began to stabilize. This is indicated by a sales rise at 4.9%, which has not happened with the European car market more closely.
Truth, this one did not act on the results of the year: experts recorded a decrease at 5.2% for 1 7 months of 2017. Let’s say last months, the most popular car on July was Volkswagen Golf. Its implementation increased by 15% comparing with a similar period of 2016. This is combined with the entering the market of the hatchback to the market of modern development. The place in the three and also received the Ford Fiesta, which demonstrated the rise at 1.9%. However, the next month, the approach of forces in the 1st three will be able to exchange as a result of entering the Renault Clio market to the market of modern development. The sale of a car has thrown 29.5%, and since the beginning of the year, the fame of the model increased by 19.6%.
Relatively other favorites of July, then their positions and still strengthened. So, Ford Focus in early July, although it rolled up to 5 transaction, although its implementations increased by 12.5%. The most impressive upsurge experts noticed by BMW 3-Series-the implementation of fresh generation of the sedan increased by 48%, actually allowed the models to take 10th place in the ranking of the most famous machines of July. JATO experts noticed a stabilizing atmosphere at the main brands. Ford implementation increased by 10.4%, wishing the company’s sales very quickly in the past months. I improved the situation in the bazaar and Renault, which managed to take 4th place based on the results of the month.
The sales of the company increased by 3.5%, although this one is much better than the signs, for example, Marta, as soon as experts recorded a decrease by 15.8%. And the favorite of the euro market – Volkswagen – did not read 2.4% of customers. And yet, this insignificant decline allowed the Germans to keep the first line in the ranking of the most famous brands of July.