According to long practice, knowledge and strict adherence to traffic rules is the basis of the basics of salvation from traffic accidents. And any deviation from traffic rules can create not only a terrible and difficult situation on the road, but also lead to an emergency. But even being a responsible driver, you can fall into an accident, and the mistake of this will be the mistake of another participant or participant in the movement, which for someone can become fatal, or unforeseen a combination of circumstances, for example, ice or heavy rain, fog and bad visibility. With such a turn of events, only the skill and experience of the driver who can play a decisive role in a successful outcome in the current critical and seemingly inevitable emergency. According to statistical reports, the largest number of accidents occurs due to the excess of permissible speed, and the high speed as such is not the cause of the accident, but rather becomes a reason for it, since the mismatch of the selected speed does not make the driver’s timely reaction to the specific conditions of the driver. The rules of the road is more likely a set of rules that do not regulate speed for all possible situations on the road, but providing the driver with the choice of optimal speed depending on the specific situation on the road. But only many forget that the incorrectly selected speed, in particular inflated, creates an immediate threat of a traffic accident. Recent large accidents in Almaty were caused by the incorrect behavior of other participants in the movement. The responsible driver must remember that it is not worth hoping for another driver, since there is no guarantee that he will take the necessary security measures, which means that you only need to hope for himself. Despite all of the above, you should not see in every violator and suspect someone in violation or non-compliance with the rules of the road, it is necessary to be prepared for the fact that some road users are indecisive, others are aggressive, which means an unexpected situation may arise at any time which, with improper actions of drivers, can become emergency.