Thus, the process of drying the hollow fly out from the very beginning goes with a variable drying speed.
The nature of the temperature curves clearly confirms the influence of the main factors: the shape, size of the product and the drying regime on the nature of the process.
The rise in temperature at various points of the sample occurs unevenly. So, if the temperature at point 4, located in the center, begins to increase 3-4 hours after the start of drying, then the temperature at point 3 located in the corner of the sample, at a distance of 5 mm from the surface angle, increases continuously with a slight deposition in the area The temperature of the wet thermometer. It is natural to expect that on the surface of the angles of the sample, the rise of temperature occurs quickly from the very beginning of the drying process.
The data under consideration show that the duration of the period of constant temperatures in various layers and sections of the sample gradually increases from the surface into the depths of the sample, reaching the maximum value in its center.
The temperature of the coolant has a significant impact on the duration of the drying of the products. For this clay, with an increase in the temperature of the coolant, 1.6 times the drying duration decreased 2.4 times.
The significantly more influence of the regime manometers from the process of drying of hollow products than on the process of drying brick leads to the fact that the duration of drying of hollow products is much shorter than when drying brick.
This conclusion is confirmed by drying curves, from the consideration of which it follows that with the same mode the duration of the drying of the brick to a moisture content of 10% is 64 hours, and hollow products are 30 hours, t. e. decreased by more than 2 times.