For a long time, the car is a means of daily movement, and not any excess. In Western countries, it is customary to have several cars in many families, you see, this is very convenient. In fact, the car boom began in the post -war period, in the fifties. And with an increase in the number of roads on roads, despite the use of more advanced technologies, there is an increase in the number of traffic accidents and failures in the operation of various systems and mechanisms of the car. And since high -tech equipment is used in the manufacture of cars, it is often not possible to fix the problem on the spot and you need to transport the car to the car service. In such situations, a Czech evacuator is called to the place of an accident or breakdown of the car. With the help of this technique, a vehicle, devoid of the ability to move by its own, is delivered to the place of repairs or subsequent parking. It is not necessary to call the tow truck to call an accident, because with our quality of the road surface it happens that it can jam the wheel, and very cold winters lead to the fact that the battery is sat down and the engine does not start. And how it will not be sad, such similar situations occur in the life of every car owner. Of course, you can call friends so that they help to towing a faulty car with a flexible coupling. Yes, this will be a good way to save a fee for the services of a tow truck, but how much this advantage will be “interesting” for the car with which towing will be towed. After all, cars even during design were not designed for a “double” load that will occur during the transportation of a faulty vehicle.